Our Cafe’s Mission

We are a community of individuals who have been traumatized by homelessness, addiction, and other mental health challenges. We believe everyone needs to know that they are loved and have gifts to share. We support the development of the mind, body, and spirit of individuals desiring recovery. By creating a community committed to love, support, community, and inclusion. We provide an environment that will support recovery.

We thrive to implement equity,
trauma-informed healing, family stability, and self-sufficiency.


Through a connected community, members will sustain long-term recovery. The goal is not simply survival but developing thriving members who reach their full potential.

What is the Recovery Café model:

The Recovery Café model begins with the understanding that every human being is precious and worthy of love regardless of past trauma, mental and emotional anguish, addictive behaviors, or mistakes made. The model is a membership-based model requiring commitments that are held through loving accountability.

Everyone is a contributor in the model, which allows for mutually liberating relationships which cross socio-economic, racial, religious, gender, and other barriers that exist in the larger culture. By practicing radical hospitality, the model supports everyone wherever they are on their journey and encourages multiple pathways to recovery. From this place of deep knowing and deep loving, the model raises leaders from within its community to share their gifts and follow at the point of other gifts. This model provides support, resources, and a community of care along the entire continuum of a person’s need for recovery assistance.

Strong trees start as small sprouts

Recovery Café’s Guiding Principles: 

  1. Connect with divine Love in ourselves and others
  2. Show respect
  3. Cultivate compassion
  4. Practice forgiveness
  5. Encourage growth
  6. Give Back

Recovery Café Equity Statement

“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is connection.” – Johann Hari 4

Recovery Café was founded on the idea that everyone is loved and has gifts to share. The Members we serve are in recovery from the traumas of homelessness, addiction, and other mental health challenges. Inclusion is primary to our work.

While we know that the members of our community have overcome significant hurdles in their lives, we recognize that advantages and barriers exist, and as a result, we do not all start from the same place. We name social injustice as the dominant force that has created and continues to widen the gap between those who have what they need to fulfill their potential, and those that do not.

To be an equitable organization, we will work to center the voices of those who face the barriers of bias, poverty, and other systemic injustice.

How we Meet our Mission

Welcoming our Members into a community of radical hospitality is a fundamental aspect of our work. To create this community where all are valued, we will strive to:

  • Ensure diversity is a strength in our organization and continue to build on that strength.
  • Reflect and represent the community that we serve on all levels of our organization.
  • Provide ongoing training for staff and volunteers to recognize and address systemic barriers.
  • Acknowledge the strengths and differences in others.
  • Not assume that the ways we have done things are the only correct way.
  • Take seriously all complaints of racial or any other type of discrimination and harassment and make sure each is dealt with in a manner that is fair, urgent, and consistent.
  • Create an inclusive environment for all regardless of age, ability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, indigenous heritage, gender identity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and life experience.

We also recognize that this statement is just the first step in becoming an equitable organization. We know this work is hard, that it will require us to stretch in uncomfortable ways, and at times might require us to ask for forgiveness. We are committed to an ongoing dialogue between Recovery Café Members, volunteers, staff, and donors to address racial and other systemic inequities in our organization and provide programs and services that benefit all who come through our doors.

The Café’s programs are designed to:

  • Help people maintain their recovery
  • Reduce relapses
  • Fulfill their potential
  • Reclaim their lives
  • Membership is FREE and open to anyone.

Members are required to:

  • Be 24-hours alcohol and drug-free
  • Attend a weekly Recovery Circle
  • Practice the guiding principles of the Recovery Café community
  • Support a member, serve on a team and or Help out at the café or by giving back to the community through volunteer opportunities such as Cafe chores, serving meals, serving at our food shelf and free store, and so much more as we grow and implement programs.

Recovery Café Schedule

  • In-person meetings Mondays and Wednesday, 11:00am – 7:00pm and on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:00am – 4:00pm.
  • Monthly events will be updated on the Recovery Café Frogtown website.

Recovery Café Services

  • School of Recovery is the educational arm of the Recovery Café. “Clean and sober activities” Organized sports, art, music, yoga/meditation, monthly group outings/ social gatherings, games, and organized events.
  • Recovery Coaching is available to adults in recovery. Clients are paired with a trained Recovery Coach who helps them identify barriers to their recovery. It gives them someone to talk to on their journey to stay sober. Meetings are weekly or biweekly and free to those who qualify. We will also have culturally specific trained coaches available to meet each member’s needs and comfort level.
  • Recovery Coach Academy offers free training statewide. Topics include Recovery Coaching, Recovery Coaching for Home-Based Navigators, Ethics, and Train the Trainer. Minnesota Recovery Connection provides all of our training and is a Recovery Partner with Recovery Café Frogtown
    • Access to and support with resources to jobs, childcare, housing, and etc.
    • Naloxone access and training site.
    • Food and beverage provided– with a focus on health and wellness and overall physical well-being.
    • Speaker & Informational presentations to support and inspire individuals and families with lived experiences of mental health challenges, substance use disorders, trauma, and homelessness.
    • Workforce development & training opportunities
      • Service opportunities while empowering every member to become a contributor.
  • Recovery Cafe Frogtown Weapons Policy:
    • Weapons are not allowed in Recovery Cafés.
    • All Café implementers must comply with local laws related to weapons.

We are an Emerging Member of the

Recovery Café Network